Pet Connection Mobile App
Booly is an application to helps connect people who are looking to adopt or foster dogs and cats.

Booly: a mobile app for easy pet adoption. Browse dog profiles with photos, descriptions, and personality details to find your perfect furry friend.
Shelters employ various methods to find foster parents and adopters, like online platforms, events, and pet stores. Prospective adopters face a similar array of sources. Researching current trends is crucial.
Developed an app connecting adopters with shelter pets. Intuitive UI for easy browsing and adoption profiles.
My Roles
- Visual Identity
- User Research
- User Testing
- UI/UX Design
- Prototyping
- Content
6 months
100% positivity rating
During user testing, received positivity ratings of 4 or higher on design, ease of use, and likelihood of the use of the application.
How I got started
Starting with a plan is crucial. Beginning from scratch, the Discovery phase takes precedence. I outlined a strategy to collect user data for planning and designing the application.
- 10+ Zoom interviews with adopters and shelter workers
- 10+ in-person adoption events
- Questionnaires sent via Google Forms
Explore existing solutions. Identify patterns, successes, failures, and opportunities for improvement.

Research Findings
Once I created a plan it was time to implement it. While I scheduled time and interviews with potential users, I started the Market Research. Here are some findings.
- Not a lot of mobile apps. Existing mobile applications (Petfinder, Benji, PetAdoption, Social Media, local shelter websites).
- Shelters focus on website and social media
- PetFinder has a robust feature set (profiles, inquiries, sponsorships… etc.)
Once I was able to complete my user research plan, here are some of the highlights:
- 90% of both adopters and shelters relied primarily on social media (Facebook and Instagram)
- When it comes to mobile applications, PetFinder was the most heard/referenced but not used
- 80% of adopters preferred live events for initial inquiries on a pet (adoption events, shelter visits…etc.)
Discuss & Define
Utilize insights, craft a strategic plan, and focus on addressing pain points through analysis and discussion.
Defining UX Strategy
- Strong Social Aspect to the application
- Utilize familiar patterns from social media apps such as Instagram and Facebook to increase the likelihood of application adoption rate
- 3 user bases (shelter workers, foster families, adopters)
- Quickly learn about the animal

Source Files & Prototypes
Mockups and Prototypes were created in Figma. These files were copied over from the work account. Files and projects would normally be organized differently.
- Booly Figma Mockups -Link to my Figma Files.
- Booly Prototype – Figma Prototype
Outcomes & Lessons
Positive Feedback
100% positive comments when compared with previous designs​
Social Media is Key
Integration with the tools they are using already is important.
Get Your Feet Dirty
Get out where the users are. Make myself uncomfortable.